Urinary Incontinence

1 Urinary Incontinence (See Chap. 11) Y. Hoffmann-Weltin Types of urinary incontinence Type Definition Stress Involuntary loss of urine (only small amounts) with increasing intra- abdominal pressure (e.g. coughing, laughing, jumping and others) Urge Leakage of urine (rather large volumes lost) because of inability to delay voiding after sensation of bladder fullness Overflow Leakage of urine (small amounts) caused by either mechanical forces on an overextended bladder (stress leakage) or other effects of urinary retention on bladder and sphincter function (contributing to leakage) Functional Urinary accidents associated with the inability to toilet because of impairment of cognitive and/or physical functioning, psychological unwillingness or environmental barriers “Red Flags” in patients with urinary incontinence History Clinical signs Laboratory measures Persistent urinary tract infections Sudden loss of urine Haematuria Persistent back pain Sudden change in personal behaviour Poor renal function Recent pelvic fracture Acute confusion/delirium Recent back trauma Prostatic hyperplasia Practical Issues in Geriatrics – Series Editor: Stefania Maggi Learning Geriatric Medicine: A Study Guide for Medical Students Editors: Regina Roller-Wirnsberger, Katrin Singler, Maria Cristina Polidori